
Ducks are amazing creatures, any kind, every kind. Was watching some wood ducks while fishing, three little ducks all in a row. They were almost perfectly in line, swimming to who knows where, wherever ducks on a lake swim to. Not a bobble or missed stroke, then BOOM!, the lead duck dives, then the second, then the third. Makes you wonder, was there enough of something for all three? Or were the other two just checking out what was happening? One just never knows now, do one?

Anyway, I think ducks are fun to watch and wonder about, maybe you and your kids will too.

Bon Voyage.

Road rage

Well, I’m back for a short one. Has to do with the way people treat gravel roads. Many vacationers and tourists, besides the local folks drive the gravel roads all across the country, and bitch. The state, the city, the county, they should do a better job, the roads are terrible. Know who makes the roads that way? You. Atvs turning around in the roads, not just turning but spinning around, power slides, basically just being ignorant, are one of the major starters of washboards, then along come the pickups with trailers, soccer mom vans with trailers, morons that just need to be in a hurry to get to, what?

Slow down on the hills and corners, don’t feel like the other side of the hill will disappear without you being there, make an effort to have a better road for everyone, including yourself.

Gotta go see if I can wear out another set of teeth in the next 35 miles. Thanks everybody, and please try to help out. For everyone who likes to get out.


Hey there fans and haters, sorry I haven’t been on a rant and rave for awhile but I have been fortunate to be where the internet is not. Been running around in the trees with the wildlife and the peace and quiet. I will, however, have to come out of hibernation someday and I’ll get caught up with the goings on of the world, I’ll really let you have it then.

A fish just jumped that requires my attention.

Hoping for better weather

Well, it continues. Tornadoes from the Canadian border to the Mexican border. Snow again in the Northwest, floods just about anywhere you want to look, all causing more expense and headache for the agriculture industry, (where our food comes from). More delays with getting the original crops planted, and the added cost and misery of having to re-plant many because of the weather. Some food costs will no doubt go up, but there will hopefully come some relief from the drought in California being somewhat over. The farmers there will have it better although it will take some time, they have been dry so many years lots of ground will have to be put back into production, basically starting over.

I have seen the aftermath of tornadoes throughout the Midwest firsthand and know how much chaos comes. The farmers affected in this way will also have a lot of extra work, not only in the fields but also with the disasters to their homes and communities. Those storms can be and are a terrible force of nature against man, but that’s what they are , forces of nature.

Floods, well, nobody wants to have a flood, whether a broken water pipe that floods the basement, or a massive flood that takes the family car to the next county, the kind that much of the country is having to deal with now. Water is capable of just as much, if not more, damage than about anything. Most of us have had to deal with flooding of some magnitude so are aware of the problems caused.

I suppose I’ve gone on about gloom and doom long enough for today, just hoping to help make aware to some of the population that never goes outside or has any clue of where food comes from. I’ll leave you with little tidbit. People will go far out of their way to spend way too much money for “100% Natural and All Organic” foods and products, and then………..Botox and Boob jobs.

I just don’t get it.

Relivin the good old days.

Every now and then I’m gonna throw something out there that may or may not have to do with the great outdoors. These may apply to you, maybe not, depends on your age and how and where you were raised. I was born in the mid 60’s so I’m old enough to have experienced much of this but still young enough to have an idea of what’s going on now.

For instance ; Back in the “good old days”, when someone made a comment about how good that piece of art on your arm looks, are you gonna do the other side too?, we went and got a second girlfriend, not a tattoo. We had self respect back then.

Look forward to what I have to say about piercings.


Which would you rather have?

People, we are faced with a HUGE problem. Our country is rapidly becoming over populated and our natural resources are fading fast. The wildlife habitat is diminishing day by day, as is the farm and ranchland. All across the country more and more land is being developed for housing and businesses while empty homes and commercial buildings are left to rot. This means the land from which our food, recreation and wildlife is being depleted, with no chance of ever coming back, just from an ever rising population growth.

Now, as if it’s not bad enough that the legalized citizens of this nation feel free to continue to breed with no thought for the future, there are many, many out there who think we need to bring in people from other countries to add to the problem. We all know, though many refuse to admit, refugees are not only dangerous in many cases, they also expect this country to fulfill all their needs. Would you rather look out your window and see a muslim or a deer?

This past winter, and still continuing on through spring, has been something we haven’t seen in years. All across the nation the winter weather has caused game animals to move to lower elevations, back to what used to be their winter grounds. It has been so many years since the weather has been the way it is supposed to that people have taken to moving into this old established game range. Lots of cities are expanding in the wrong directions, again, thanks to over population, and people are finding cougars eating their dogs, moose and elk in the basement, deer on the roof of the house. And lots of dead animals. Dead from the loss of winter feed, from eating the landscaping plants that were brought in to make “my yard is better than yours”, animals forced to walk the streets and be hit by cars, some attacking people just because the animals territory has been invaded. WAKE UP! At this rate it will not be many more years until all you can look out and see is a suicide bomber. But maybe, if people keep building on the farm and ranchland, they won’t have had enough food to survive that long.  In every town and city there are numerous buildings left behind. Houses, businesses, all types of structures that can be remodeled, redone, whatever, however in order to save in oh so many ways. Keep things in the localized area to save fuel, time, money, cut down on waste, try to keep building costs down, but most importantly, SAVE what’s left of our natural resources.

We all really need to concentrate on our country way more than we need to worry about bringing in freeloaders. If the people that feel the need to abandon the buildings they think are no longer good enough for them, why can’t they spend a few dollars to remodel and build housing for our veterans.

Watch for my next blog, I’m likely to be on a roll and tell you what I really think.

Try to save our country and our wildlife. Once it’s gone we’ll never get it back.

Learn where it comes from

Farmers all across America are bustin their humps to get the crops in. Many are faced with the problems and challenges of having to deal with the consequences of the past winter and the resulting floods. A lot of ground has moved to new locations leaving washouts that have to be filled, piles of dirt, sludge, you name it , all need to be moved and worked into the previously existing ground. It is not a job for the weak of heart, this extra time, work, and fuel will push many over their budget, resulting in lower productivity and higher cost of production, which means loss of gains that throws a major twist into the economy. This moving of soil also means a change in the availability of the so called organic and natural foods. The soil of an “organic” farm being replaced during the flood with the soil of a non-organic farm upstream means that “organic” soil no longer is. People really should get out and look around at the farming community and see how it all works.

There are an alarmingly, amazingly large number of people who have no idea where food comes from. Believe it or not, the milk in the carton in the store first comes from a cow. Eggs originate in a chicken, of which there are many different breeds, colors, sizes, hence, different sizes and colors of eggs. Sugar is derived from what plant, or plants ? How many varieties of corn are there ?How are they each used ?  Time to get out there and learn before all of the farmground is used for the purpose of building houses and malls, taking away the ground that supplies what we all need to survive, food.

The grocery store is the last on the list of supply. The farmer and his ground is the first. Who wants to eat?

Get ’em out! Learn something

Okay people, NOW is a fantastic time to get outdoors, and take your kids. You can all learn something, we all can, there is at least one thing to learn every day if you just go find it. Plants are growing and blooming everywhere, color is coming back after a long, bleak winter. Leave the phones and games at home, or better yet, throw ’em in the trash, go to the library and check out some real books, the kind with pages and pictures and illustrations, about plants and animals, birds and such, go to a park or somewhere out of town. Stop……… look, listen, see, absorb, the world away from technology. Play games like “spot the wild onion”, “find the baby geese”, make up ways to get the kids and yourselves to get out and learn WHAT THE WORLD IS MADE OF. Take the young’uns to the water, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, with the flooding going on is perfect to see the effects that mother nature has on our lives and our planet. Be sure to point out to the kids all of the trash and garbage in the water that the 2 legged swine have left behind that has to be cleaned up by the floods. Please try to teach your kids some manners and respect. Until next time, Adios.

Lots of snow to shovel, sandbags to fill and place where needed, fallen trees to deal with, nearly everyone had some type of natural disaster to deal with this winter, some not even ” natural “, but it got more people outside. Bottom line is, getting outside and doing something.  Sure is nice to have a good winter again, it’s been too long. There have been and still will be not so good results from all the winter storms, but we have to realize the benefits. There are lots and I’ll try in the future to cover as many as possible, but for now let’s be glad we got a good one.